Automotive Auditing and Tracking

Tracking your Digital Marketing Efforts
If it can’t be measured it can’t be improved on. Every digital campaign should be launched with a clear plan on how to track the results of that campaign. Without accurate tracking how do we know what’s working. When we start with a new client the first thing we have to establish is what is working for them. Then and only then can we improve upon it.
Tracking And Auditing It's Important
The promise of digital advertising was we would finally be able to measure what occurs. This was a great promise until marketing companies and marketing products began realizing their mistakes were being caught and their lackluster performance was on full display.
So today many marketing solutions intentionally hide their performance behind useless metrics. At Savvy Dealer we believe strongly if it’s not working you’re only prolonging the inevitable. It’s better to drop the product now, then watch sales diminish over the next quarter.
To this end we only do digital advertising solutions that we can quantify. We have reviewed and tested over 400 marketing companies/products in Automotive and use that knowledge to laser focus our Dealer’s marketing efforts to what has been proven to work.

Will you track OEM approved Vendors?
CO-OP at times can only be spent on a handful of OEM-approved Vendors. This doesn’t mean we can’t track whether they are spending our CO-OP dollars and spending them effectively.
What’s the cost?
If all we are doing is managing vendor performance and helping with the day to day Internet Management this is a small monthly fee based on size of the store/group.
How do you track my competitors?
We use a collection of publicly available information and a lot of manual mystery shopping to identify vendors, strategies and spend. We compile this into our reporting for our Dealers.
What if I don't want to change my vendors?
We believe knowledge is to be shared. We are happy to work with vendors you have and review ahead of time with you what our recommendations are going to be. If your vendor is willing to implement the necessary changes to drive more leads, great!
How do you track performance?
We use a combination of Call Tracking, Google Products and data from CRM providers.
What if your recommendations don't work?
We track the performance so if our recommendations don’t work it will show this on our reports. None of our recommendations are experimental, they are the strategies that have worked all across the country. That being said, if they fail to work we will be the first to acknowledge this.